GPS Fleet Tracking Tips

Useful articles about GPS fleet tracking, its benefits, providers, apps, software & devices reviews.
truck driving in the afternoon

Best GPS Tracker for Fleet Vehicles in Canada

GPS fleet tracking has become an essential tool for modern fleet management, revolutionizing how trucking companies operate and manage their vehicles. By providing real-time location data and valuable insights into vehicle performance, GPS trackers help fleet managers improve safety, optimize

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Semis at car wash

Canadian GPS Asset Tracking Systems in Modern Trucking

The trucking industry has undergone a significant transformation due to technology. Today, GPS asset tracking systems have become an integral part of modern fleet management, offering unprecedented visibility and control over valuable resources. GPS fleet tracking systems leverage satellite technology

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Semis with GPS asset tracking devices

Transforming Logistics with GPS Asset Tracking Devices

In the trucking industry, the efficient management and safeguarding of assets are crucial. As businesses grow and operations expand across regions, the ability to keep track of movable and fixed assets—be it equipment, vehicles, or even high-value goods—becomes a core

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Get started with HOS247

Reliable, well-supported ELD, GPS tracking & more

About Us

HOS 247 ELD solution ensures FMCSA compliance and delivers superior safety and productivity for any fleet. HOS 247 hours of service elogs app and electronic logging device are perfect choice for GPS providers, resellers, small to large fleets and owner-operators.

*Free logging devices when you pay for a year. $79 per logging device if you choose to pay monthly.

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