Since the ELD mandate was published by FMCSA, it has created quite a stir among carrier companies and truckers all over the U.S.A. While many carriers are frantically looking for a reliable DOT compliant ELD, others are still deciding whether the ELD mandate will impact them or not. Some are even unaware of its meaning (what does ELD compliant mean). This guide on FMCSA compliant ELD devices and ELD mandate will answer all those questions.
HOS247, an industry leader providing FMCSA compliant ELD devices, is already listed among registered providers on the FMCSA website. HOS247 ELDs help carriers and owner-operators stay compliant with DOT policies and save violation penalties. Also, HOS247 ELDs are designed with advanced features that not only increase vehicle security but also improve carrier efficiency and productivity.
Features of HOS247 E-log devices
HOS247 is a leading ELD provider trusted by drivers and fleet managers. Each ELD comes with reliable hardware to enable installation within minutes and can be operated via smartphone or tablet using USB or Bluetooth. Here are some of the key features of HOS247 ELDs.
Edit/ Manage logs: Drivers are allowed to manage e-logbook any time during working hours. Drivers can also edit the logbook data like HOS, RODS, and more to stay DOT compliant.
Real-time GPS tracking: Every E-log device manufactured by HOS247 has the feature to integrate a real-time GPS tracker. This helps track the vehicle location and also monitors driver behavior.
IFTA mileage calculator: As an FMCSA-approved ELD, HOS247 ELDs can automatically calculate IFTA mileage by tracking vehicle engine performance. The ELD can also prepare error-free IFTA reports in compliance with DOT requirements.
Monitor Vehicle Diagnostics: The ELD can streamline vehicle diagnostics and provide alerts with real-time notifications in case a fault has been detected in the vehicle or engine. Each fault is detected by a separate fault code to inform both the driver and carrier company.
Manage DVIRs: For enhanced vehicle safety, the ELD allows the driver to manage and edit electronic driver vehicle inspection reports. This also prevents DOT violation.
On-road Driver support: The ELD can instantly connect the driver to the fleet manager using the 4G network for faster communication. This helps fleet managers to provide required information and guidance to the driver in case of vehicle breakdown or to resolve compliance issues.
Flexible plan: HOS247 offers flexible and hassle-free policies for both carrier companies and individual owners. Whether it is about one truck or a fleet, the ELD services cater to all requirements.
Active customer support: HOS247 has an active customer support team that offers round-the-clock support. For more personalized service, they communicate in multiple languages like English, Polish, Spanish, and Russian.
14-Day Free Trial: HOS247 allows a two weeks free trial of ELD without any payment information or contract required. The customer can return the product easily to the company if not satisfied with the performance.
Do you have any questions? Talk to ELD Advisor: 650-405-3372 or Request Callback
Benefits of using HOS247 ELDs
With the most advanced technology and top-rated performance, HOS247 ELD is designed to maximize the returns on investments for carrier companies and individual owner-operators.
Faster dispatch: Managers can track the vehicle location with real-time GPS, it becomes easier to assign jobs and monitor their progress. This makes the dispatch faster.
Reduce idling time: The ELD automatically records the HOS of the driver by monitoring vehicle engine usage. If the drive time goes beyond the permitted limit, the ELD alerts the driver and also notifies the fleet manager.
Increase road safety: HOS247 ELDs track vehicle speed and alerts the company in case of overspeeding or unsafe driving. This reduces the chances of accidents.
Save vehicle management cost: Reduced driver idling time and personal usage of the vehicle through GPS monitoring saves excess use of fuel. Also, the company can track vehicle diagnostics preventing sudden breakdowns to further lower vehicle management costs.
Enhanced vehicle security: If the vehicle is driven in unregistered locations, the ELD alerts the company using Geo-fencing. This reduces the chances of theft and unauthorized vehicle usage.
Stay compliant: HOS247 can automatically prepare reports on HOS, DVIRS, RODS, etc. without human errors. This prevents audit risks and also saves penalties on violation of DOT policies.
A Brief on ELD Compliance/ Mandate
The ELD mandate or ELD compliant rule is a law under the U.S. federal government enforced by DOT. According to the ELD mandate, any carrier company or individual owner of a commercial vehicle operating in the U.S. must switch to DOT compliant ELD. The registered ELDs should be purchased from FMCSA approved manufacturers only. A list of all registered FMCSA compliant ELD devices is provided on the official website of FMCSA.
The DOT-compliant ELD is designed to automatically record data related to vehicle operation and driver activity. The law has been enforced to reduce driver fatigue and increase road safety and vehicle security. It is aimed to replace paper logs with an Automatic On-Board Recording Device or ELD.
Carrier Company / Individual Owner to be impacted by the ELD mandate
ELD mandate has confused many drivers and carriers in regards to how it applies to them. More than 3 million vehicles and 3.4 million drivers will be affected by the ELD mandate. The rule applies to vehicles operating between states under certain criteria.
Take a look at the criteria below:
- If the vehicle weighs 10,001 pounds or above then the ELD mandate is applicable.
- If the gross weight or gross combination weight of the vehicle is 10,001 pounds or above then it must company to ELD rules
- If the vehicle is used to transport 16 or more passengers which includes the driver and not for compensation then it must follow ELD compliance.
- If the vehicle is used to transport 9 or more passengers which includes the driver for compensation then it should use FMCSA compliant ELD device
- If the vehicle is used to transport hazardous materials in large quantities that require placards, then it comes under the radar of ELD mandate
Exemptions to ELD compliance
This might be good news for fleet companies and truckers. FMCSA has mentioned some exceptions to ELD compliance/ mandate. Here are the exemptions to the ELD rule.
Short-haul drivers: Commercially licensed drivers that operate within a radius of 100 air-mile from work reporting location and drivers with no CDL operating within a radius of 150 air-mile from home depot are exempted from the law.
Vehicle driven as a commodity: When the commercial vehicle is driven as a commodity during the drive-away or tow away operations, it does not require ELD compliance.
Older vehicle models: Vehicles that were manufactured before the year 2000 are not required to switch to FMCSA compliant ELD devices.
8-day logs: Drivers who are required to keep only 8-days logs out of the 30 days period do not come under the ELD mandate.
Vehicles for farm supplies: If the vehicle is used in agricultural, farm, and livestock supplies, then it is exempted from the ELD rule.
Interstate regulations supported registered ELDs
Driver fatigue is one of the major causes of road accidents in the U.S.A. To reduce driver fatigue FMCSA has made it mandatory for all DOT-compliant ELDs to be compatible with the interstate HOS rules.
Per the HOS rule, interstate truck drivers cannot drive more than 11 consecutive hours and should not be “on-duty” beyond 14 hours a day. Before the next shift of duty, a driver should have a minimum of 10 consecutive off-duty hours. For interstate bus drivers, the consecutive “on duty” hours should not exceed more than 10 and the total HOS should not be more than 15 hours. A bus driver must have at least 8 consecutive “off duty” hours before resuming the next shift.
All interstate commercial vehicle drivers are restricted to 60 hours of HOS for seven consecutive days. For vehicles that commute daily, the HOS is limited to 70 hours in eight consecutive days.
Intrastate HOS rules for Drivers in Texas
In Texas, drivers are allowed to work for 12 consecutive hours followed by 8 consecutive off-duty hours. The HOS is limited to 15 hours a day following 8 consecutive hours of “off duty” between shifts. The maximum HOS for a week is 70 hours followed by at least 34 off-duty hours.
Intrastate HOS rules for Drivers in California
The Transport regulatory body in California decided to postpone the deadline of enforcement of the ELD mandate for intrastate drivers to December 31, 2020. This might create problems related to differences in local HOS rules and the hours of service that are federally mandated. The state regulatory body is expected to announce a date soon to resolve the issue.
ELDs compatible with FMCSA HOS rules
To enhance road safety, FMCSA has issued HOS rules that every commercial vehicle driver has to follow. All the registered ELDs including HOS247 ELD are designed to be compatible with these rules to prevent violation of DOT policies. Here is a brief on FMCSA HOS rules for truckers.
14-hour rule: A commodity vehicle driver is not allowed to drive after 14 consecutive “on duty” hours. A break of 10 consecutive hours is necessary before resuming work. Passenger vehicle drivers cannot work for more than 15 consecutive hours without a break of 10 consecutive hours.
11-hour rule: This rule states that within the 14-hour HOS window a commodity vehicle driver can drive for 11 hours after a break of 10 consecutive hours. For passenger vehicle drivers, it is 10 hours after 8 consecutive off-duty hours.
30 minutes break: Drivers are not allowed to resume driving since the last off-duty period of 30 consecutive minutes. During this time, drivers can perform non-driving tasks.
Do you have any questions? Talk to ELD Advisor: 650-405-3372 or Request Callback
HOS247 ELD is the best way to stay DOT compliant
HOS247 manufactures FMCSA compliant ELD devices with the most reliable hardware and advanced features. They offer a hassle-free policy to ensure complete customer satisfaction. The active customer support team not only works round the clock to solve problems but also assist fleet manager and driver to get the best use of HOS247 ELD to maximize profit. They have been offering DOT compliant ELDs for a number of years now and has gained a loyal customer base because of its outstanding product and service. HOS247 is listed on the official website of FMCSA as an approved vendor. HOS247 is the most affordable and reliable solution for owner-operators and fleet managers to meet DOT ELD requirements, improve fleet efficiency, and avoid expensive delays and fines.
I’ve co-founded, built and managed several transportation-related businesses. Now, I’m a founder and CEO of HOS247 – an AI Transportation Platform for trucking companies, freight brokers and other logistics operations. We are transitioning old-style operations to technology-advanced logistics entities and help them to grow their businesses. ELDs (electronic logging devices), fleet tracking and management 2.0 combined with AI-powered dispatch tools.

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