eLog For Sale From A Reputable Company

If you’re on the lookout for a new ELD option, then you need to find an eLog for sale from a reputable company. 

If you look at the list of registered electronic logging devices (ELDs) posted on the website of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), you will see close to 700 different devices. That makes searching for the best elog app more difficult than it should be. Nonetheless, it is important to learn how to choose the right electronic logbook. Looking at the specific features that will best serve a carrier and its drivers, as well as choosing an elog company that has years of experience and reliability, will help carriers choose a reliable device that saves fleets money and boosts driver safety. 


Electronic elogs need connectivity in order to deliver valuable data they gather to the intended viewer — whether that be a fleet manager, drivers or the DOT. One connectivity feature many fleets desire is Bluetooth technology, which makes it easy to connect the ELD to a phone or a tablet. Cellular data is another connectivity feature, as good cellular coverage ensures that data can be transferred from anywhere in the country, no matter how remote. 

Good cellular coverage can ensure that drivers aren’t caught with missing information during roadside inspections, subjecting them to the chance of being noncompliant with elog regulations. Having both cellular data and Bluetooth connectivity to fall back on can ensure that drivers are connected when it matters most.

Do you have any questions? Talk to  ELD Advisor:  650-405-3372 or Request Callback

Flexible plans whether you have 1 or 500 vehicles

Ease of Use

An elog device is only worth the investment if drivers are using it. That’s why it is important for fleet managers to choose an electronic logbook that is intuitive, working with the driver instead of against the driver. It also should be easy to train them on without the need to waste valuable time on training sessions when they could be out making money on the road.

That being said, an ELD provider should be able to provide on-demand training if drivers need it, at least for the initial setup to get them started. 

User Reviews

Reading user reviews is a great way to make a decision to buy something, and that’s no different with elog devices. Unbiased platforms like app stores allow real users to share their feedback about the elog devices they’re using. Users have nothing to gain from posting a positive review and nothing to lose from posting a negative review, so these are the people fleets want to hear from before investing in an ELD solution

Keep in mind, however, that posting reviews takes time and effort, so some people aren’t always thorough when writing their reviews. Some might lead to more questions than answers, but if a commonality exists among reviews from different users, that’s something to be aware of. For example, some reviewers might say, “difficult user interface,” making fleet managers wonder whether they’re referring to the ELD interface, the dispatching feature or any other feature of the elog device. But chances are if one feature is difficult to navigate, others are as well.

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Since compliance with FMCSA and DOT regulations is a vital component of running a successful trucking operation, it is incredibly important that an elog provider’s devices are compliant. This is part of elog research that gets tricky, as makers of electronic logbooks are allowed to self-certify their products and list them on the FMCSA website. It is up to consumers to report any defective products or providers that aren’t compliant, at which point they’ll be removed from the FMCSA’s list of self-registered ELDs and added to the list of revoked devices. 

It isn’t just about choosing a compliant ELD, however. It needs to support different hours of service (HOS) exemptions as well so drivers are given real-time alerts as to when they need to take a break or when there is an exemption they may qualify for. If the ELD doesn’t have reliable HOS functionality, drivers face the risk of being put out of service during roadside inspections. 

Transparent Pricing

ELD pricing can range from overpriced to underpriced. Be wary of both. When considering elog pricing, be aware of the fact that there will likely be a monthly fee, but that maybe lowered by paying for a year upfront. Some elog companies offer free elog devices for paying upfront as well. The average price is between $17 and $25 per month. Anything higher or lower should be looked at with scrutiny. 

Be especially wary of prices that seem too low, as those devices and providers may have hidden fees that they don’t show customers upfront. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is, as there are some devious and ELD companies that end up tacking on fees for things like device activation, installation and training after customers already commit to a plan.

Red Flags When Searching for an Elog for Sale

Being aware of a few red flags will make it much easier to make the decision as to which elog to invest in:

  • Contracts longer than a year – If an elog company asks for a commitment of longer than one year, chances are they’re trying to make money by locking you into a contract instead of by offering a reliable product that they’re confident in. Fleet needs change, and an elog provider should be willing to accommodate changing needs instead of locking them into a product that they may no longer find useful. 
  • New ELD providers – A company that is new to the ELD scene might just be trying to make a quick buck. Fleets should choose elog providers with experience so they know they can rely on them long-term.
  • Bad customer service – Many ELD providers fail to realize the importance of real, live support from knowledgeable customer service representatives. As such, their customers are left with no help when in difficult situations. Before choosing an ELD, it is important to give them a test call. If someone answers, that’s great. In contrast, if an automated message or chatbot answers, without offering the opportunity to speak to a live person, that’s a sign to choose a different provider.

Who needs elogs (electronic logbooks)?

From a legal point of view, drivers who are required to log their hours of service or have at least eight days’ worth of records of duty status logs within a month should be using an ELD, according to the ELD mandate. However, there are exemptions allowed by the FMCSA, including:

  • Drivers of vehicles made before the year 2000
  • Drivers delivering vehicles as part of driveaway-towaway operations

Even though some drivers aren’t required to use ELDs, every commercial vehicle driver can benefit from using one, providing it is a reliable ELD from a reputable company. ELDs are able to capture invaluable information, including maintenance reminders, driver behavior, fuel tracking information and more. 

HOS247 eld connection scheme

What does an ELD do?

An ELD solution involves hardware and software. The hardware is a small tracking device connected to the vehicle’s diagnostic port. The smartphone or tablet used to view that information is also considered the hardware part of the ELD. 

The software is a mobile app as well as a desktop application for fleet managers to view from their office. Together, data and HOS information is transferred in a way that helps drivers and fleet managers get the big picture as to what’s going on with the vehicle and any issues a driver may need to be aware of, including routing options, GPS location, miles driven and HOS notifications.

Do you have any questions? Talk to  ELD Advisor:  650-405-3372 or Request Callback

Add options as you grow when you need them

HOS247 is an industry leader providing electronic logs for truck drivers

HOS247 has been around for years, providing top-rated ELD solutions since even before the ELD mandate required them. Here’s what makes HOS247 stand out above the competition:

  • Top-rated – Other than being listed on the FMCSA list of certified ELD devices, HOS247 is top-rated by drivers, fleet managers and owner-operators.
  • Reliable hardware – HOS247 elog solutions are easy to install and hassle-free, no matter what types of trucks a fleet uses.
  • Upfront costs – Costs for service and hardware are provided honestly upfront so fleets of all sizes can reliably budget for their needs.
  • High-end customer support – There may be situations when drivers and fleet managers need an answer to a question about the ELD immediately. HOS247 has customer service representatives available 7 days a week to ensure their question gets answered and they can get back to the road. Multilingual support is available as well.  
  • No long-term contracts to lock into – HOS247 lets fleets try ELDs for two weeks before committing to them. If there is any reason a fleet does not want to go through with the ELD solution, returns are hassle-free. And there is an option to pay monthly or annually, with no long-term contracts to commit to. 

HOS247 has been in the ELD business long enough to know what customers need and what regulations fleets need to be aware of in order to stay in business. By choosing a HOS247 elog solution, drivers can more efficiently do their jobs, and fleet managers can save thousands of dollars annually by letting the solution do the work for them — instead of wasting time on paperwork.

"Awesome. Easy to install and use. Top notch customer service! I recommend it to everyone.”

Abigail Freemantle
Schrader Co
“Great company to deal with. The support team is very responsive and competent. They provided a great deal of education for our company.”
Evgueni Stoupine
GMS Global Group
“Customer service is great. They helped me to set up everything and showed how to edit my logs. Thank you.”

Manuel Jenez
Free hardware options, no monthly fee options
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